
"Information,Corporate Governance,and Institutional Diversity : Competitiveness in Japan,the USA, and the Transitional Economies"
著: 青木 昌彦
訳: 青木 昌彦
Stacey Jehlik


"Methods of Information Geometry "
著: 甘利 俊一
訳: 原田 大志
"A History of Top Management in Japan"
著: 森川 英正
訳: Stephan Ziolkowski


"Experimental Protocols for Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species "
著: 谷口 直之
訳: 谷口 直之
"Post-Genome Informatics "
著: 金久 實
訳: 金久 實


"The Japanese Economic System and its Historical Origins "
著: 奥野 正寛
訳: Sue Herbert
"Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields "
著: 荒木 不二洋
訳: Ursula Carow-Watamura


"Hyperbolic Manifolds and Kleinian Groups "
著: 松崎 克彦
谷口 雅彦
訳: 松崎 克彦
"Stellalator and Heliotron Devices "
著: 若谷 誠宏
訳: Oxford University Press


"Atlas of Neuroactive Substances and Their Receptors in the Rat "
著: 遠山 正彌
高山 コウイチ
訳: Sachithanantham Sri Kantha
"Path Integral Methods "
著: 大貫 義郎
訳: 鈴木 増雄
"Imaging in Liver Disease "
著: 高安 賢一
奥田 クニオ
訳: Oxford University Press
"Control Theory of Non-linear Mechanical Systems "
著: 有本 卓
訳: Oxford University Press
"The Political Economy of Japanese Society "
著: 坂野 潤治
訳: 坂野 潤治


"Nanotechnology "
著: 谷口 紀夫
訳: 武口 隆
"Micromachines "
著: 藤正 巌
訳: Oxford University Press
"Biological Invasions : Theory and Practice "
著: 重定 南奈子
訳: 武口隆
"Wage Determination and Distribution in Japan "
著: 橘木 俊詔
訳: Oxford University Press
"Soil Behaviour in Earthquake Geotechnics "
著: 石原 研而
訳: Oxford University Press


"Technology's New Horizons "
著: 柳田 博明
訳: 臼井 陽子
Charles Oliver Goulden
Oxford University Press
"The Synapse : Function, Plasticity and Neurotrophism "
著: 久野 宗
訳: Oxford University Press
"Solitons in Optical Communications "
著: 長谷川 晃
訳: Oxford University Press
"Evolution of the Genetic Code "
著: 大沢 省三
訳: Oxford University Press
"Prehistoric Mongoloid Dispersals "
著: 赤澤 威
訳: Oxford University Press
"Introduction to Polymer Physics "
著: 土井 正男
訳: Oxford University Press